This script expects the following client parameters:
* applicationPath = the full local file path to the directory containing the source files. Output will go here, too.
* projectName = Name of project being compiled. If project is foo, web file will be foo.web
* verbose = "true" for verbose output, "false" otherwise
Also, it assumes there is a filelist file, called "filelist" in the "path" directory containing
names of all files to compile, and that jsac.exe is on the current PATH.
The directory containing the java class Calljsac must be in the system's CLASSPATH.
For example, if the compiler app is in D:\Netscape\SuiteSpot\js\samples\compiler, the call below assumes
that the CLASSPATH points to D:\Netscape\SuiteSpot\js\samples.
// Used as a constant, COMPILER_EXEC represents the name of the executable for
// the jsac compiler.
var COMPILER_EXEC = "jsac";
// Initialize file list variable. This assumes an include file with the name "filelist"
var filelist = "filelist";
// Validate Form Data //
var webfilename = "";
var apppath = "";
var verboseflag = true;
// Take values from client object if this page was called from the sample application.
// Otherwise, assume some other application called this page directly and take values
// from the request object.
if (client.source == "application") {
webfilename = (client.projectName != null) ? (client.projectName + ".web") : "";
apppath = (client.applicationPath != null) ? (client.applicationPath) : "";
verboseflag = (client.verbose == "ON") ? true : false;
else {
webfilename = (request.projectName != null) ? (request.projectName + ".web") : "";
apppath = (request.applicationPath != null) ? (request.applicationPath) : "";
verboseflag = (request.verbose == "ON") ? true : false;
// Call Compiler from Java //
// *** Call the JavaScript Compiler from Java ***
var str = Packages.compiler.Calljsac.exec( COMPILER_EXEC, apppath, filelist, webfilename, verboseflag );
// Convert Java string object to JavaScript string object
var jsStr = str + "";
// Determine if there were any errors reported by the compiler
resultCode = jsStr.charAt(0);
jsStr = jsStr.substring(2, jsStr.length);
if (resultCode == "0")
statusStr = "success";
statusStr = "error";
// Display Compiler Output //
GenerateTitleBar ( statusStr, "pics" );
// Write out pre-compiler errors or compiler output
GenerateResults(statusStr, jsStr, verboseflag, webfilename);
// If instructed to restart as well, then do so
if ( ((client.source == "application") && (client.restartFlag == "true")) ||
((request.source == "application") && (request.restartFlag == "true")) ) {